Finchingfield Parish Council

What We Do

Finchingfield Parish Council represents the interests of the people living in and around the villages of Finchingfield and Cornish Hall End.

All monthly meetings are open to the public and the press. We have a Public Forum at the beginning of each meeting. At the invitation of the Chair, you can ask questions or make statements about items on the agenda or parish issues in general. The Public Forum lasts for a maximum of 15 minutes with 3 minutes allocated for each speaker. 

You do not have to give advance notice of the comment you wish to make but out of courtesy you may wish to ensure the Clerk has a copy for future reference.


CHAIRMAN Cllr Claire Collins
VICE CHAIRMAN Cllr Roger Duffin
CHE PLAYING FIELD COMMITTEE Cllr Johnny Martin Smith, Cllr Johnny Strange, Cllr Tom Gordon
STAFFING COMMITTEE Cllr Claire Collins, Cllr David Coverdale, Cllr Roger Duffin, Cllr Alison Stanger,
PARKING, SPEEDING & NOISE Cllr Sam Denman, Cllr Johnny Strange Cllr Tom Gordon, Cllr David Coverdale
FOOTPATHS Cllr Claire Collins, Cllr Alison Stanger
POND & SLUICE GATES Cllr David Coverdale, Cllr Claire Collins, Cllr Robert Stanger
PLANNING Cllr David Coverdale, Cllr Claire Collins, Cllr Roger Duffin
EMERGENCY PLANNING All Councillors – no specific responsibility
OPEN SPACES Cllr Robert Stanger, Cllr Alison Stanger
PARISH MAINTENANCE Cllr Roger Duffin, Cllr Tom Gordon
WASC Cllr David Coverdale, Cllr Roger Duffin
BALC Cllr Roger Duffin, Cllr Sam Denman
GUILD Cllr Robert Stanger
TRUSTS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Cllr Robert Stanger, Cllr Alison Stanger
KEMPE TRUST Cllr Alison Stanger